Surat AFC yang mengakui PSSI pimpinan DJOHAR

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Mr. Tri Goestoro
General Secretary
Football Association
of lndonesia

Dear Sir

Football Association of lndonesia

We refer to the attached AFC and FIFA conespondence dated 26 March and 30 March 2012, respectively.

lnparticular, we would like to draw your attention to the establishment AFC of the Task Force Indonesia for the purpose of facilitating a resolution of the current issues facing lndonesian football and FIFA's new deadline of 15 June 2012 to definitively settle these problems.

Kindly be informed that the Task Force has started its work and will inform you shortly of its complete composition, terms of reference and plan.

Dato'Alex Soosay
General Secretary


AFC House, Jatan 1/.t559. Bukit Jalil.
5 Kuala, Lumpur

1 komentar:

  1. Syafrizal Jack said...:

    Dengan adanya surat dari pimpimam AFC membuat PSSI Djohar berada diatas angin.
    Namun satu hal yang pasti PSSI mestinya melakukan rekonsiliasi dan merangkul semua anak bangsa baik yang berada pada posisi pro maupun yang berada pada pendapat yang berseberangan, demi satu tujuan bersama untuk memajukan sepak bola INDONESIA.

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